North Canal Bank Street, Craighall Road & Landscape Link Upgrading


Glasgow City Council

Final Account:


Start Date:

November 2019

Completion Date:

May 2021


18 months

Key Features :

• infrastructure improvement works
• civil engineering
• public realm streetscape
• cycle path
• retaining wall
• natural stone paving
• street lighting
• carriageway reconstruction
• soft landscaping
• community benefits
• amenity planting
• drainage

Maclay Civil Engineering parked vans
Maclay Civil Engineering slide 3 heavy machinery
Maclay Civil Engineering slide 2 lorries
Maclay Civil Engineering slide 1 main office

Description of Works:

MacLay Civil Engineering Ltd were appointed as Principal Contractor under the CDM regulations 2015 to deliver the £2.4M North Canal Bank Street, Craighall Road and Landscape Link upgrade in partnership with Glasgow City Council. The contract was part of the Glasgow City Region City Deal programme and was awarded in mini-competition under Lot 3 of Glasgow City Council’s Construction and Trades Framework Agreement to which we had previously been appointed. The works were carried out in three locations: North Canal Bank Street, Craighall Road and Garscube Landscape Link.

North Canal Bank Street

The upgrading of North Canal Bank Street aimed to provide an enhanced entrance to the Sighthill area through the provision of a combination of high quality natural stone material and standard bituminous materials which replaced the existing bituminous footways. Works involved site clearance, drainage, carriageway works, footway works, traffic signal works, road markings, street lighting and the construction of retaining walls. Carriageway works involved reducing the width of North Canal Bank Street in order to make the area more pedestrian friendly. The works comprised of a section of full depth carriageway construction and all existing kerbing was replaced with high quality natural stone kerbing. A two-way cycle path was constructed and a granite delineation kerb was installed to the north of North canal Bank Street, buff coloured surfacing further delineated the cycle route. Concrete retaining walls were constructed across the full length of the site in order to combat the existing level difference between the canal towpath and carriageway level.

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